Thursday, November 15, 2012

Maal Hijrah 1434H

Semoga yang terbaik untuk kita sepanjang tahun ini.

Mari merancang untuk masa depan kita.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Eh 53 days only?!

Ya Allah,

Permudahkan urusan kami menuju ke jalan yang benar dan dirahmati Mu.


Tolong amin kan

Mood: Jiwa Kacau!!

Yours truly,

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Drinking Regime

Nothing to lose
Try everyday!! its will help you!

Pinned Image

photo: by Google

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


eh minggu nie minggu PMR kan..?

guess what, dah 10 tahun saat2 berdebar masuk dewan dah meninggalkan Azy...

wah..!! 10 tahun...rase tua tetiba  : (

tapi kan, kalau waktu mase tu boleh bawak phone pi sekolah, agak2 nye ada gambar kenangan muka masing2 tengah fokus..then tiap2 raya atau wedding kekawan kita leh bahankan...haha

jelita nya tension macam ni

what ever it is, i think its a good memory for me
not just when PMR
the whole 3 years ++ at that school, its an awesome memory

tetiba rindu kat kawan2 dan cikgu2 SMKSA
i wish they have a good blessed life 
mmuahhx xoxoxo

pic: by Google

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

mesin jahit

finally my sewing machine dah sihat..!!

now dah boleh start projek...
gaya mesti ade..!

pic: by Google

Monday, October 8, 2012

Pecah rekod

hari ni pecah rekod...rekod ape biar diri sendiri aje yg tahu..hehe

anyway, bukan hari ni jer pecah rekod, tahun ni macam banyak jer rekod yang telah dipecahkan..

rekod tahun yang paling banyak berjalan..
February ~ Sabah

April ~ Ipoh

April ~ Cameron Highland

May ~ Johor
July ~ Medan

September ~ Kulim

September ~ Kuching
yang di atas tak termasuk one day trip.. ape2 pon jejak nya Azy di Kuching last September, sempurna lah 14 negeri2 di Malaysia Azy dah jejak..lepas ni target Asia Tenggara plak.. verangan..!

rekod status dah berubah..banyak status dah berubah ni..

banyak lagi rekod akan bakal dipecahkan..tapi harap semua yang baik2 saje...AMIN

Thursday, September 27, 2012


ejaan benar lagi betul, N.E.R.V.O.U.S

dengar story2 dari orang kawen nie, mcm nebes terlebih plak skarang.. xnak kawen lagi boleh x..?

betul ke susah nak jaga financial?
betul ker susah nak jaga relationship between in-laws?
betul ker susah nak jaga relationship dengan family/kawan2?

dah ready ker....????
think!think! how?what?who?

waaaaaa!! nebes!!

xpelah, sambung pikir lepas balik holiday nanti lah...
yay, KUCHING here i come!!!!

 photo: Google

Thursday, August 30, 2012


i got short and long term memory lost
when i talk, sometimes i stuttering..because i lost a word

i lost lots of my vocab either in malay or english
when i explaining something to someone, i keep stopping because i need to think the full sentence

very2 critical, when i came to ask something to someone, 
i lost
i don't remember what actually the question that i want to ask

i am not sure dream is good or bad 
cause i keep dreaming something unreasonable

is it showed that my brain is lost something??

so i to have a good brain
because i'm still YOUNG!!

tips to have good brains ~ hopefully its help me and you
Exercise & get your body moving 
Don't stressed out
Get a good night’s sleep and take naps
If there’s something you want to remember, writing it down can help
Listen to music 
Eating foods that contain a healthy mix of fats (FISH) is vital for long-term memory
Visualize information
 Teach someone
Do crossword puzzles, read, or play cards
Eat breakfast and make sure it includes an egg 

Friday, July 13, 2012

almost a year

but not yet a year.

my last post is on July 26, 2011...whoaaah! such a loooooooooong time ago..dasar pemalas!! haha

but not yet a year.

the no face photo..hee~

the twins...almost a year but not yet...

what more is not yet a year?should i wait its really a year then do something..hmmm??