Tuesday, July 26, 2011

berbeda definisi

my "takzirah" regime
actually my mom's

mama said, "senang kita susah org lain"
maksud nya; bagi kita sesuatu keadaan tu senang, tapi susah bagi org lain
or vise versa

1st condition;
situasi--senior ckp, "alah,senang je subjek ni" kat junior dia
diri sendiri--saya rasa subjek process & instrumentation yg saya ambil waktu dip sgt2 la susah, tapi bila ambil waktu deg, mcm senang plak..
conclusion--bila kita dah pernah merasa, kita akan tahu susah dan senang sesuatu keadaan

2nd condition;
situasi--suami ckp, "alah, mcm susah sgt je jadi suri rumah", 
isteri ckp, "awak tu senang la, duk office je 8jam sehari"
diri sendiri--tak bersuami lg, tgk gelagat manusia je
conclusion--sila suh suami tu jadi suri rumah then kita keje, musti kita akan ckp benda yg sama

3rd recent condition;
situasi--diri ckp, "susah nya la carik keje yg sesuai ni"
diri sendiri--merana sbb duk umah dah nak hampir 3months
conclusion--sila sedar, ada org dapat keje lepas 3years okay...

BIG conclusion is
mungkin bagi kita keadaan sekarang is the worst
tapi bagi org lain keadaan kita, tak delah teruk mana

biar lah kita rasa susah nya sekarang
sebelum rasa senang nya kemudian

Friday, July 22, 2011

connect the missing pieces

yo man..!! 
very bored like over the rooftop bored as nothing to do..
as i have spend my "holidays" just laying around the house for about 3 months..!!

fortunately for me,
already have/had few interviews 
but unfortunately for me,
the job not match the soul

i love adventures, new experiences, new environment
i'm having good session of interview..very good i must say
but then after laying (again) around the house
my mind thought something that make the good become bad

should i go far for a good 'match for the soul' job?
or should i just stayed 
near my mama n abah n family n soon-to-be-out twins heroes (not mine,fyi)


Monday, July 11, 2011

it's not easy as it looks

i do have online boutique
belong to me, ma fren and ma adik

at first, the main objective to add up our pocket money
but after getting serious for about a year, buyer get serious to you too

sometimes even when you explain politely, people will get rude to you
but i know this is 1 of the adventure of being entrepreneur

but please people, 
don't do any unwanted things to other people, that you don't want other people do to you
noted: there are you and other people
so win-win solution
1Malaysia man...!!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

my "happy-time" regime

i don't like looooooong movie or to many related episode of a drama
i tend to skip.skip.skip.skip..just press button >>>>
long movie, 20+++ episode drama it's not my thing

my "happy-time" regime is RM
money RM (*O*)...bling~~kaching~~
and of course running man
must watch!
my every sec happy-time regime..



Thursday, July 7, 2011

my "motivational" regime

because when read or listen, u get motivated

words from what i read today
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up"

so just don't ever gave up

and what i listen today is nirvana's that covered by yuna

google it and enjoy the lyrics..

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

my "cooking" regime CR1

"start cook what u love, like and when u desperately want to eat it without paying or waiting"
so u will learn new recipe without any mind crisis or upset stomach

so tadi masak (ke baking?), puding caramel
refer resipi dari kakinakl..segan plak nak tag, sbb saya budak suka2 je sekejap berblog sekejap x..hee~~

6 simple steps
1. heat 1/2 cup of sugar until brownish then add 1/4 cup of water (be ware of the hot caramelized sugar) place a side
2. beat 6 eggs until smooth 

3. add 1/2 cup of sugar, 1 tin of susu sejat, 1 tin of water, 1 tsp vanila

4. mix properly

5. pour into the caramelized sugar solution

6. steam the mixture for 25 min, then put in refrigerator for cooled pudding

*image from google