Sunday, February 28, 2010

not a gurl anymOre


it was a start
have to accept all d thos crap
not a gurl anymOre..
more to a wOman
but not yet a wOman (kunun lagu bRitney,hihi)

time by time, we will have to face some moments dat we really dOnt want to face it
it just so f***ing hard to face it (bkn m'carut,tp m'nunjuk kan betapa susah ea..)
really its very very very hard..!
but then, u have to
because u r not a child anymOre
u r not a little gurl dat mOmmy n daddy make all the decision anymOre

children is nice little thing dat not ruin by anything yet
adult is bad large version of child dat ruined n unexplained
u want to be an adult, but u think like a child, but u r nOt a child anymOre!

so lets move on
lets think reasonable

fikiran d sini,tp hati ku dah ke mana?

Saturday, February 6, 2010



kenapa saya suka CNY..
sbb saya bercuti seminggu..i need go far away fRom UMP!
saya ada pLan dgn rakan2...xsabar rase nye..

kenapa saya suka CNY..
sbb setiap kali CNY,saya leh makan prosperity
sedap woo..

saya xsabar tunggu CNY
tp saya xnak CNY abes..
saya xlarat terima tekanan ini..!