Monday, October 19, 2009



bile saya memerlukan dia,hilang,senyap..
bile dia memerlukan saya,d situ hanya utk dia..

xsalah kan utk kecewa pd dia..bkn hanya pd dia,tp pd mereka..

cari lah saya..saya sedia saya tetap kecewa pd dia,mereka..

Monday, September 7, 2009

~it takes a century for a tree to grow tall n strong as 3storey building

kerana kepercayaan yg d'robek
hati ku sakit
fikiran ku kusut..

kepada ALLAH aku percaya, kepada Rasul aku percaya, kepada Agama aku percaya

& only a minute, to make it a piece of toothpick~

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

LOVE..i need u!!!


this is my LOVE story..enjoy it..

i think, where ever u gO, when ever u go, family is d beSh..!!..sejak m'jadi makin dewasa (dr tomboish--gurl2--woman??), ku rase family lah yg memenuhi kehendak jiwa n raga ku utk m'yayangi n d'sayangi..they WORTH to love..hati rase sunyi ketika b'seorgan,jiwa ku d'penuhi angan2 b'bOrak dgn mama n adik (im nOt very cLose with my dad,brothers..but they are still cOunted)..b'bOrak dgn mama semenjak pemikiran ini sedikit dewasa adalah sgt2 m'yeronok kan..n adik pula semakin mudah d'jadikan teman merapu,b'bahas,b'senda..

t'ingat kembali ketika muda remaja,diri ku yg hanya m'punyai aBg2,sering t'tekan akibat dr pemikiran yg kurang matang (matured ke skrang..?hee``)...amat sukar b'madu bahasa dgn mama n abah..ade je yg xkena..dgn adik pula,sukar utk ku b'kOngsi rase,adik t'lalu muda utk d'libatkan (beza 5thn yg sgt besar)..abg2 pula sebOk m'jayakan masa depan mereka,n they toO lelaki (which means toO egO) to share anything wit me..muda kan..mase nie lah nampak everything dlm bentuk negative especially if included my family..but i stiLL love n care abOut them dat time..

org kata: personality kt t'bentuk melalui cara p'hubungan kt dgn org laen..saya kata,b'sama2 rakan2,personality saya semakin mekar bak bunga...

mase ketika zaman kenegatifan tu,keinginan m'cari seseorg yg rapat utk b'kOngsi rase..kwn2 lah jiwa yg plg dekat dgn ku..(mase mula2 nie,lelaki its not listed)..

FARIDATUL AIN aka yiyien..
adalah teman yg plg rapat n its sound better when i called u, my lovely sis (kak long ea,kamu lahir dulu)..b'kOngsi hampir segala2 nya especially we near (f1-f3)..but then even we were n still separated n hard to meet,i still need her as my guidance of my small heart alOng d way tO be a wOman..

waktu lower secOndary,waktu yg d'ingat2kan sentiasa..kenangan sentiasa mekar d'jiwa..

then masOk diplOma,kawan2 mmg memaEnkan peranan yg sgt utama (sejak sgt jaOh dgn my sis)..dr yg baek kpd yg agak2 nakal (biaselah,kanak2 riang..hi'')



NUR AFIQAH aka eqa mon@dak kecik


dis gurls (yg lelaki tu pOn kdg2 leh jadi gurls..hee..sOrry brO..maen2 ja) really dO sumthing with my persOnality..ape ea org kata,kira sekepala lah..masing2 dah mcm adikB'adek..mak ayah kamu,mak ayah saya gak (mak ayah saya,mak ayah saya..coz my parents not believing in angkat2 nie,tp they dO know n care abOut them)..byk yg kt dah wat same2 kan?

nOw,at d next stage in life,im freelance gurl,lOne ranger,anything u want call me dat show u noe the meaning..maybe coz i have a lot of frens n adik b'adik,i feel dat i just need them eventhough we all separated in our own ways..bkn xmahu m'nambah kwn2 sesgt rapat lg,cuma d view is now changing..n i feel safe to be aLone here without any kamchengs..its better for me n its better fOr u guys..

so dat make me sOOOoooo,miss my adekb'adek..bila sakit,sOrang2..bila nak gila2 skit,sOrang2..sungguh, kdg2 rase sgt lonely tanpa mereka..n i become more n mOre n mOOOre appreciate my family n frens..

n my loneliness filled up with jOy by him..

..loving n caring by him each day..take new challenges wit him..d 1, dat i love to introduce to my family n adEkb'adek..i know u guys will like n love him (love x leh lebey ea,saya je leh)..tQ very2 much to him for being by my side every mOment..

tQ all for being parts of my life..i love u guys..sOrry for everything,anything i do bad to u..i really appreciate n need u guys in my life n hope im needed as well..gOsh,i REALLY MISS them!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009



sudah lama xm'updaTe bLog.
mls skit,rajen byk..->buSy wit stuDy

wah...insyaALLAH,tOmorrow start lah kt b'pOse..feeling eXcited mcm bdk2 pLak..mase nie lah kt dpt b'kumpul dgn family 1 meja,b'sahur n b'buka..mase nie lah kt dpt b'kumpul dgn kwn2,m'harungi dugaan b'buka tanpa sedikit pOn m'calarkan maksud PUASA itu sendiri<--maksudnye menahan diri dr b'gosip n keje2 xb'faedah laen..hee~..insyaALLAH..

dulu mase bdk2,excited poSe,sbb dlm fikiran 'raye dah dekat nie'..'poSe kena penuh thn nie,nak lawan angah n alOng nye wet raye'..'kena pOse,nanti kwn2 ejek xpose'..memOries,meMories.. rase diri sgt b'umur dah skrang..

yup..dats d thing i want to talk abOut..time..time gOes by as a blink of eyes..baru je rase new year..skrang dah dekat merdeka day..baru je rase masOk thn hijrah baru,skrang dah nak pOse..adakah resolusi thn ini t'capai..??

sesungguh mejadi org yg arinie lg buruk dr ari semlm,adalah org yg celaka...which d 1 thing i dOnt want tO be..but sOmetimes i dont think i get any better frOm yesterday..celaka kah aku..??

semOga RAMADHAN kali ini,bukan RAMADHAN terakhir bg ku dan jua keluarga,t'sayang n rakan2..semOga RAMADHAN kali ini dpt d'penuhkan dgn segala amalan t'baEk,menganggapkan kt xsempat utk ke RAMADHAN seterus nya (hOpefully nOt)..semOga ALLAH memberi kt kesempatan b'taubat..AMIN

sO resolusi khas utk bln RAMADHAN yg mulia ini..marilah kt wat sebyk amalan yg kt mampu..insyaALLAH,terawih 2rakaat pOn jadi if mase m'cemburui kt..insyaALLAH,amalah m'bace alQURAN d'tambah2kan RAMADHAN ini..insyaALLAH,'bertukar!!!' <--mcm cite pOwer ranger..pakaian2 yg sebenar nye pinjam dr dak kecik tu,d'tolak tepi (kena shOpping baju baru la nie..hee~)..ayat2 d'letak guLa spy telinga yg m'dgr enak..gOsip2 d'lupe kan..insyaALLAH..AMIN

for my frens,deeply frOm my heart,truly sOrry abOut anything...semOga RAMADHAN kali ini,m'indahkan lg ukhwah kt...AMIN..


*rindu pd kenangan b'pose b'same rakan2 d miCet especiaLLy mS mOmo n mS keCik

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

lame nye..!!!


tOuch dOwn..!!
sampai umah dah..after 4 long hours (3hrs in bus+1hour in putra n kOmuter)..after 2 mOnths, t'perap mcm tikus mondOk kat dLm uni..wah!!sO prOud of myself..hiii..**pdhal duk b'jLn2 gak*

org cuti 2bLn,kt cuti 12ari je..anyway,i will spend these 12days fully loaded with activities...apakah itu..???..hihi dr sbLm exam lg dah pLan mcm2...haha..stuDy ke memain??..sOrry mama,aBah..kdg2 je..=P

anyway befOre d list gO lOooong in this pOst..apekah yg lamenye..??

2bLn..kdg2 rase mcm hell..opsS,sgt kurang manis wOrd itu..k lah,kdg2 ari2 ku d uNi mcm senGal je..bOley..?..especially d 2nd bOo dah aBes Li n udah bLk kpd bOnda n ayahanda beliau..*baby tinggal ayang sOrang2..waa!!*..n ketensIon m'landa every single day..i need to lulus dgn cemerlang nye..!!! ketenangan itu sgt2 kurang m'nemani ari2 ku..*ayat xleh tahan..hii''

ngak m'coret n m'bebel d sinie..tOo buSy maa..maen game pOn buSy gak kan,kan..???hehe..

yesterday trip...rase sungguh lame...especially bile penumpang d hadapan ku,m'buang angin kuat2 n byk2 kali *dr mulut ye* n to make it more n mOre wOrst,beliau suke m'angkat tgn nye tinggi2..HELLO???!!..its public,okay??..sila jgn lupe adat kesOpanan bangsa kt...kecik ati..xleh nak tiDo dgn lena nya..

after 3 lOooong miserable hOurs in d bus,tiba lah saya d bus statiOn d pekeliling...jLn laJu2 hOpefully dgn langkah ku yg panjang,daku dpt sampai umah secepat mungkin n of cOurse dgn penuh,kOmuter penuh..melalui teOri ku,makin penuh lrt n kOmuter,makin lembab ia jLn...btol kah..penat wOo!!

setelah m'nempuh dugaan yg pelbagai sprt yg d'nyatakan d atas,sampailah saya d ktm seremban..yay!!..dan m'nambahkan lg kLise ceritera ini,bOnda ku m'nunggu d pintu keluar utama *pintu ker??*..wah,bahagia! u MAMA,ABAH

lamenye xmkn masakan mama n masakan sendiri*sedap ker..?tanye pd yg pernah m'rase*..hee~..lamenye xmkn kat fiSh market,secret,pizza,sushi..lamenye xhangout wit my babes..lamenye xtidO lame2 *de tipu skit arr,hii''*..lamenye xwindOw shopping. *leh windOw je,dOor xleh..haha*..lamenye xketemu my lil sis..lamenye,lamenye,lamenye....

so,for d neXt 12days,i will make these days like celebration of my life!!..haha..enjOy d mOment..yesss!!..dOing d things dat liSted in 'lamenye liSt'..sO..daaa!!! see u neXt time

haPpy hOlidays!!

Friday, May 15, 2009



getting old..srOnok kah..?
i am toDay..spend my first secOnds in new age <22nd> with my beloVed 1..
he soO sweeeet..tQ dear..tQ sOo much..

~upOn my reQuest as memOry my 1st burday wit what wrOte inSide..tOuching2..~

~my reQuest tOo..hee''..coz i need sumthing dat i can take care while im here w'out him..n hOpefully i can be as strOng as cactus eVen in a rOugh situatiOn especially in our relatiOnship..meaningfuL,huh?..huhu~

~xreQuest dia kata dia nak beLi sumthing yg im nOt requesting..well,loVe fav..tQ fOr remember my fav things..:)~

~nie name nye,dia saje je nak bazirkan dia dah nak bg,terima jelah..hee~

after aLL,its long day tO gO..dont noe what wiLL happen tOday..anyway thanks aLL for d wishes..thankS to my baby toO..

Thursday, May 7, 2009

is d looks important..??


i was thinking after received this picture..
dare to eat sumthing like this..? its only a bread acctually..

yup..looks dO important..

as fOr this bread,i wiLL not eat bread looks like this..yuck!!..but maybe until i noe hOw its taste gOod,it maybe will be my majOr cRush on bread..maybe huh..??!

sO d pOint here..try tO get to noe sumthing or sOme1 befOre u make a deciSion,whether tO like it or nOt...maybe at first,its seems very wrOng,but then after u noe it or she/he deeply,u will surpRise..!

but then,the 1st impresSion,is impOrtant toO.. :)

as cOnclusion..take a good care aBout how u loOks..its okay tO look nice aLL d time..
"ALLAH itu cantik,ALLAH suka yang cantik2 jua"..and 'cantik' have an universal meaning..

Monday, April 27, 2009

aLOooone..p/s: tO my siS,jemput2 turun sini!!


in ma rOom..rOommates ku sudah bLk but stiLL im here,have anOther 2papers left..laSt paper this thursdaY..then prOceed for short sem..

kwn2 ku,mai la turun sini..!!jLn2 carik mkn d sinie..teman gue shOrt sem..penginapan dijamin selesa..hee~

Monday, April 20, 2009



i tried sOo hard..but still,d sense of belonging never ever i have..

xtaw lah nak cuba apa dah..feels sOo aLone in pLace i called my aLma mater..its like d pLace rejected me frOm there...

did i dO d best chOice to be there..?or i made a wrOng decisiOn dats make my life sOo damn hard!!!

i want to get out from dat pLace..!!..ya ALLAH,bantu lah hamba mu ini..xtahan,xkuat nak m'hadapi cabaran jiwa di sana..xkesah lah saket mane cabaran minda ini,tp cabaran jiwa sgt2 lah m'cabar kewarasan ku..

dear frens..i miSs u guys..miSs my old aLma mater..

sO aLone...d heart cant take it nO mOre..

Thursday, April 9, 2009



test.abOut 2hOurs n 15minutes,final fOr engineering graphic..which 1 of d subject,i cant transfer credit..!!

age.happy belated burfday mS apad n mS has..!!semOga panjang umur n muRah rezeki..miss u u guys.. week,friday will be my 1st paper=industrial biOtechnology {hate it,tOo much reading}
next 2weeks,monday,2nd paper=probability&statistic{hOpefully i can get A+}
tuesday,3rd paper=heat transfer{d best paper i take dis sem}
thursday,last paper=mass transfer{i love d class but...}

grad.aBes dis sem,tinggal lg 4sems if i didnt extend + 2short sems dat i MUST take if want to cOmplete in time beCause of d DAMN system of U**..!!..dr b'puluh2 subjects yg layak d'transfer hanya 2,3 helai subjects je yg leh d'transfer..xd'tambah lg subject2 yg mungkin fail atau grade cukup2 mkn je..byk gile subject nak d'ambil dLm mase 6sems..SENGAL!!

here.eventhough dah hampir lengkap 2sems im here,but still i didnt like d pLace..miSs M*C*T..

done.whOever noe about d mOnths i've been calculated,d 9months time its already finished..!!!yay!!..but then,i did fOund my happinest befOre d free,fOrever..!!muahahaha..its time tO happy..

home.mau balik umah dis wednesday..anOther 5days..'''hOme sweeeet hOme''''

engineering graphic.another 2hours..sO..till then..daa~

Friday, March 27, 2009



being treated like a child..nOt being trusted by own parents..its very hurting me..

wat kind of persOn im living with nie..?be adult lah!!!...ckp dgn kO tp aku rase mcm ckp dgn dinding je...perangai mcm bdk2..!!..hating dis pLace sOo mucH!!!

missing my frens sO muCh..really..glad i can meet my mOmo n ms tiGer dia weekend..make my feeling a little bit okay..

d exam just arOund d i ready..?really need a good result

adakah kt memerlukan hati..?..kenape susah sgt nak jaga hati nie..?..terase kecil sgt..

~my heart is not as big as d universe,but still it is very important to be take care as i care abOut urs~

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

tagged!! ~by adik ku jij~

1. How old are you?

21thn 10bln

2. Are you single

single but nOt available

3. At what age do you think you’ll get married?

25 or 26..hee~

4. Do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now?


5. If not, who do you want to marry?

xtaw lah..nO idea

6. Who will be your bridesmaid & bestman?


7. Do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?

beach but ala2 garden gitu..hee~

8. Where do you plan to go on honeymoon?

should it be a secret, sO nO follow us..hihi''

9. How many guests do you think you’ll invite?


10. Will that include your exes?

haha..bOleh gak..

11. How many layers of cake do you want?

1 sudah..

12. When do you want to get married, morning or evening?

morning of cOurse

13. Name the song/tune you’d like to play at your wedding

our sOng...and any sweet sOngs

14. Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon & fork?knife?

fine dining please..

15. Champagne or red wine?


16. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?

after d wedding..

17. Money or household items?


18. How many kids would you like to have?

as many i could have..hee~

19. Will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?

nOpe..taking picts only

20. Whose wedding plan would you like to know ?




Monday, March 23, 2009




saje je amik tajOk nie..because of adik ku jij lah..

kdg2 geli ati gak..people change because of their obsession to sOmething or sOme1..its really attempting to watch d obsession get bigger n bigger every day..hee~

do u ever have sOme1 dat obesess abOut u..?..sOmetimes its really nice but sOmetimes it will make u scared..!!

why nOt to be obsess wit sOmething or least when u obsess with it,u will always try d beSt to have it,to care abOut it,to love it..dO obsess with sOmething or sOme1 dats give u advantage nOt disadvantage..but 1st,dO love urself so dat the obsession will nOt haunt u in d end..let d important things be 1st in every decission..

like when u obsess to kill sOme extra kiLos,u need to cut ur 'needs' ~dats actually not a need~ to have some 'gOod' food..but then do have some of ur 'needs' time by time to indulge urself..after all,life is too shOrt not to have a 'gOod' fOod..remember; time by time nOt all d time!

same as love..when we meet sOme1 dat we feel he or she is d 1,do appreaciate,love,like them..but,1st thing 1st;love urself u will never loSt d track..

as for me..saya sgt2 lah jealous kpd org yg ade obsession feels nie..coz as what i am,i DONT have d obsession anymOre..maybe befOre,yes i dO have d feels..but nOw,i've always not giving myself chances to have any obsession anymOre..takot dah..harapan memusnahkan diri ku..harapan membuatkan hati ku keras..i've always been hurt because of my obsession to others..

anyway,ive learned that,i should love myself first then if d obsession will hurt me 1day,i will not hurt sO much..

so..enjOy ur obsession,ur n live for ur self..!


Sunday, March 22, 2009

~sunday mOrning~


mOrning every1..

awal bangun especially for a good sunday like tOday..
coz maybe ive going bed early laSt nite..anyway its a good day..good weather...if only i have fren to have a morning walk tOgether..

quite sOmetimes i didnt wrote..tOo malas..dOnt noe why..miSs emerald sO much..but didnt want to spend more time..n too buSy wit project,assignments,quizes n will becoming teSt 2 n final..

cepat nye masa m'ninggalkan kt..sedar x sedar,dah nak aBes bln march pon..majOr freakout!!!..dont even noe whether im ready or nOt..n semakin hari semakin dekat dgn masa m'ninggal kan dunia..ready or nOt..??

a question dat i asked myself every day...
as a student; am i ready for d big teSt..???
as a hambaNYA; am i ready for d TEST???

adakah aku semakin hari semakin baik atau semakin hari semakin teruk..??

bile usia m'injak dewasa,kdg2 kt leka dek m'gejar hal2 dunia..mase nie lah kt nak bentuk hidup kt..nO turning baCk..juSt straight to d pOint..dan hidup xsemusti berjalan lancar seperti kt harap2 kan..hOpefully im ready to face d junction,roadbLock in my life stOry..n a very fat hOpes i can face my evil always be gOod n achieved lot in my life..

hOpes d same things fOr u guys tOo..

till then..semoga i have ways to defense my self for d 'M' i can write lots in emerald..


Monday, March 2, 2009

1st mOvie in march

its d 3rd mOvie which i watched wit him..[as if,im watching aLone cOz he was sleeping baCk then]
beSh..street fighter:d legend of chun-li..
mule2 ingat xbeSh,cOz lawan2..its nOt my type of moVie i like tO watch..this time is hiS chOice tO pick d mOvie..
but after all,its a great fOr me lah..
kristin kreuk yg nampak mcm a nice,sOpan gurl,leh b'lakOn as a tOugh!!..smaRt babe!! it,nOw love her[never live her acting in smaLLviLLe]
pi lah will make u cant wait fOr d other series,maybe neXt abOut rYu..cant wait it..!

Her strength. Her fury. Her vengeance. Will become legend.

Adapted from the famous series of fighting video games by Capcom, "Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li" focuses its story on the undercover Interpol agent, female fighter Chun-Li as she falls in the quest of finding justice after she found out that her father is murdered. The movie was shoot in numerous locations include Bangkok, Thailand, Hong Kong and Vancouver

*nak skills berlawan mcm dia..!!hehe

Sunday, March 1, 2009



Here are the rules

List these rules on your blog;

Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog
  • 3rd child n 1st daughter
  • 1.72m
  • 58kg
  • in LOVE rite now!!
Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
  • always sleep..hee~
  • suke gOsok gigi gigi xputih2 gak..
  • love tO sing anytime,anywhere..
  • suke merepek2 mase bwk kete
  • pendiam in certain time,pembecOk at another time..huhu~
  • mkn ikOt mOod,tp mmg suke mkn laa setiap mase..
Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs
Link the person who tagged you
Leave a comment for each blogger
  • xwat lg..nanti lah...hihi..

start d engine again...vrOom!!


wahwahwah..lame bangat ngak m'cOret d eMerald..almoSt a mOnth..n tOday its already 1st of maRch..winDu bangat same kamu!!

its been buSy fOr d laSt 3weeks..lOts of assignments,teSts,quizez n activity..even teSt 2 will cOming up sOon..!!..fOr insyaALLAH,i will maintained to wRite in emeraLd..wiLL nOt leaving u any mOre wahai emerald w'out any reasons..

im gLad..i've gOne through with all d paper pretty gOod..lega~..fuh...

actually,i should be in jB rite nOw..dats my pLanning fOr dis weekend..but unfOrtunately,lacK of sOurces tO be there..duEt laa...!!!

living as human being, we need mOney as an exchange to get sOmething..n living aS a stuDent w'out lOan or schOlar is SUFFERING!!!..dahulu,saya adaLah penghaBes duEt mara,namun kini mara xmampu lg menanggung saya..muak agak nye..hee~..n nOw,mama n aBah have to spend their mOney on me n my life as stuDent..maLu bangat..!..kdg2 tu nak mintak pOn segan..dah beSar panjang pOn ngak leh jana duEt sendiri..any1 want tO share wit me,how to get more MONEY..?
dah tOksah pening2 pK paSal duEt..selagi kt hambaNYA yg setia,pintu rezeki xkan pernah t'tutup..still can eat,maa..juSt cant dO extra2 curicullum activities like HOTFM BIGJAM at jb toDay!!..miSsed it again..n miSsed my chance to meet my hOney;cik yiyiEn hOneydeW..sOrry ye baBe..

"1st half of d year"
always,always n 1st half of d year is a gOod time..a lots of gOod memOries created in these mOmentO..n same tO gO wit thiS year which im nOt hOping anything..but a very gOod memOries i've been created wit him..he is new,we are new..but we have been learn a lOt gLad..jiwa ku x kOsong lg..!..when i thOught its already dead, sOme1 came tO rescue me n heal up my sOul...Alhamdullilah...really!!im gLad...DIA xpernah lupe hamba NYA yg ini....i will try tO get mOre cLoser to YOU...insyaALLAH..AMIN..hOpe this reLatiOnship built until d laSt breath of me...tQ deAr..:)..pRay fOr me ek...

half is nOt long enOugh..d Other haLf will cOme sOon..but im nOt afraid anymOre..i wiLL try my beSh to get a better life all year lOng..nO mOre unnecessary thOught..i can dO it!!

hambaNYA+anak+stuDent+lover;tOo many responsiblities made me mOre accurate wit my time management..its a bit difficult fOr a start,at laSt i can dO it..

sadly,kdg2 tu t'tinggal juga waktu2 solat ku especially subuh..baCaan pd kitab agung lg suci hanya dijadikan amalan 'KADANG-KADANG' sahaja...manusia mmg i've always remember,segala dOsa ku akan d'kOngsi b'sama aBah ku..sO i've always n will always try to dO gOod things n left behind d bad thing..sO aBah selamat dunia akhirat..w'pOn name ku bkn sOlehah namun akan ku cuBa m'jaDi anak sOlehah..PROMISE..!

dulu,aku suke b'bOhong pd mama n aBah..d reasOn because i dOnt want they get wOrried abOut my life...xnak bOhong lg..hati jadi senang b'terus terang dgn mama n abah..try it..!..its guaranteed safe!!hee~

wah!!rajen bangat bdk ini..hehe..iyelah nak dpt yg t'baEk kt kena wat yg t'baEk kan..?..tOgethter we dO aLL out..!

2nd attempt wit new it..beSh..srOnok..bahagis.. :P semOga b'kekaLan hendak nye..AMIN

till then..xOxo..

*penulisan ku makin baEk kah??

Thursday, February 5, 2009

its a been a while..


its been a while..
i've been buSy..sO tired..++new task,new respOnsibility..
tOo tired even tO think..sOrry i wiLL cOntinue my daily writing after all d teSt week finish..untiL then,daa~..

Thursday, January 29, 2009

lepaking wiT my fRens is d beSh..!!


gOod mOrning..~~

wOke up after 6hOurs gOod nyte sLeep..nOw,cant sLeep anymOre..aLone in my faV rOom..every1 dah titOn..

1st of aLL,haPPy sweEt 17th tO my faV siS..aDek..!
seMoga panjang uMur n muRah reZeki..wat SPM elok2 taw..wisHing u aLL d beSh..

i've just arrived fRom melaka senja taDi..went tO miCet,1st pLace wHich i start to learn eVerything..mOstly duniawi..its gOod finally meet my tOgether n buRst out latest stOry abOut our liFe..miSs them already..

newest thing abOut me;i'd get hit by d LOVE bug aGain..hee~~..aLa2 mcm laGu jOnas brOs' tu..hOpefully this wiLL be d laSt eventhOugh u r nOt d 1st,i want u tO be d laSt n want tO be ur laSt fOrever..pRay fOr lOng lasting++happineSs..pRay fOr us ye..n tHanks fOr d wiShes guys..wiSh u aLL d beSt tOo...

okay then..wanna to start wit my aSsignment..still gOt d eneRgy..

remember;jgn lupe bgn suBuh..sOlat lah kamu sbLm kamu d'sOlat kan..

tiLL neXt time..xOxo..

Saturday, January 24, 2009



im hOme.!

semLm masih d ump..kelas on 8am until 12nOon..lots happened yesterday..

there shOuld be a quiz in proB&stat cLass,but have been canceled..m'gejar sub2 tOpic yg jaOh ketinggalan dr subJect pLanning..sampai xsedar mdm,kelas hampir tamat..anyway,after midterm hOlidays nie,bakal m'jeLma lah segaLa quiz2..neXt cLass,had presentation..we're nOt reaDy..but stiLL they want to present dat day,hOping fOr extra mark whOse present d end,resuLt nye hamPeh..wat i want tO say here..i've tOld u guys..!!!!

then,after lunch,nap time..huhu~~..tiDo lewat mLm sbLm tu..gayut jaDi mOnyet..hee~

abOut 3pm,get gOing tO library wit my fren..bOrrowed a bOok as fOr reviSion..gOing back tO pack my things n tiDy up my rOom befOre back fOr hOlidays..bye2 UMP..

unfOrtunately,d bus dat supposed to pick us up on 7pm,was there only where d time is 7.45pm..sengaL je..n pLus,they sOld our seat tO sOme else,which make us (me+kak lina),had to sit on d bus stairs..sengal je..kali nie sengal laEn..sengaL punggung ku..i neEd my liLy..!!

arrived at pekeliling abOut 1030pm..then straight tO bdr taSek selatan..n mama aBah tOok me there..arrived hOme abOut 12..Alhamdullilah..

tOday,my activity is tiDo..tidO je..pagi,t'hari,ptg..nak bLs dendam tiDo lah kata kan..huhu~~

wat i shOuld dO fOr d neXt 7days..???

sharing is caring sLot;
yesterday,i've been asked wit an unexpected question by my cLassmate.."kamu duduk sini kat mane..?" liked,"huh?!"..i thought he asked which bLock i stayed at UMP..but fOr cOnfirmation,i asked him tO explain d question.."i meant,awak duduk kat malaysia kat mane?"..rase mcm lawak je,nak t'geLak guLing2 pOn ade..he thOught i am nOt malaysian,coZ recently they just fOund out,dat my family is miXed..its my grandpa an aRab,nOt stiLL malaySian malay n prOud tO be malaySian..anyway thanks fOr asking,i take it as cOmpliment..

Thursday, January 22, 2009

quiZ tOmorrow..!!


esOk de quiz proBability n statistic..n mata sgt m'ngantOk..tOday,hari yg m'menat kan..

lasT nyte,quite late faLL asleep..luckily,clasS on 8am,been canceled..1st cLass on 11am,HE..after dat have repLacement class abOut an hOur..then get gOing tO meet mdm haMidah,fOr sOme discuSsion abOut CRE..tenSion level getting higHer n higher cOz of thiS CRE thingy..

after dat,get gOing to fetCh my fren at benteng..she got appoinment wit her dean on 2pm..ruSh,ruSh,ruSh..wa bwk kete terBang beb..!!huhu~~

sampai bilik,but can get in..fOrgot tO bring keys befOre gOing out..sedikit sengaL gak kan gUe ini..hangOut in my fren rOom..cant dO anything dat i've pLanned befOre..

got in abOut 415pm when kak huDa got back frOm cLass..settle everything dat i have pLanned..dOing sOme mOre adjustment on sLide pResentation fOr tOmorrow..after that,dOing laundRy..cOz esOk dah nak bLk..!!yuhuu..~~

as usual,ptg2 gi riaDah wit kak nurul..toDay,we just walking arOund ump..dOing sOmething nOt sweaty n tiring cOz pOse..

after buKa,soLat..then my mata already penat..reSt jap..sekejap lah sgt,bgn baLik abOut 1030pm..then gO to bath,soLat..n noW here i am..wRiting this befOre get started wit my reviSion..

semoga berjaya m'jwb tOmorrow..!!

selamat tiDo kpd yang dah tiDo..


ketenangan yang ku cari..


sebenar nye manusia xsedar yg mereka sebenar nye yang mengawal hati,perasaan,minda mereka..bukan org2 d sekeliling mereka..been dats kind of persOn,once..

thought dat i cant be happy without someone..but nOw,i understand,i need sOmething tO make me happy,but its always about me nOt others...if i dont want tO be happy,even i have a lot of things,all lovely people around me,in d end,i will nOt be happy..becuase i dOnt want to be happy..everything lays on my hand nOt others..

sayang lah diri anda dulu,seblm m'yayangi yg laEn..dulu,saya xdpt terima ungkapan saya,kt akan rase d'sayangi kalu kt m'yayangi yg laEn..kalu kt sayang diri kt dulu sbLm yg laEn,mcm pentingkan diri pLak..

but u nOe wat...

finally i understand wat is d meaning of thOse words..mcm mane kt mampu nak sayang org laen,kalu kt xmampu nak sayang diri kt sendiri..sayang d sini bukan b'maksud nak mementingkan diri sayang d sini b'maksud kt m'hargai diri kt yg sempurna yg d anugerahkan NYA..m'hargai d sini pula bkn b'maksud kt m'bangga2 kan diri,tp dgn m'lakukan perkara2 yg tidak m'mudaratkan pd diri kt..dan secara xlangsung,dgn m'yayangi n m'hargai diri kt,kt telah m'hargai perasaan2 yg m'yayangi kt..kalu benar lah seseorg itu m'yayangi kt,tiada balasan yg plg mahal selaEn m'lihat kt gembira..agree..?

to be love,u have to learn how to learning,dO u..?

bacK to my activities yesterday; gOing to class at 8 am,besh..!! it..xrugi pOn gi,cOz i love the subject..after d clasS,going to!!..1st time masOk library baRu..fYi,im nOt a library persOn..i rather to stuDy at my nOisy,warm rOom rather than at cOmfortable place like library..but now,i've faLL in love to dat pLace..tenang...dats wat i need rite nOw..will be my favOurite starting frOm now..hihi~..then gOing to meet my PA,mdm iDa..thanks mdm,for dat nice taLk we had yesterday..gOing back to my rOom,dOing nOthing 6,gi riadah wit siS nurul..newest hObby in my life..saje nak bg fit nyte baru stuDy..dats for yesterday..nOt sure when i will get gOing tO sleep today..cant sLeep..

till then..daa~


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

pity of myseLf..!


payah nye nak b'diRi d dPn..keyakinan xde..

rase mcm sengaL sgt..!!..ive already dO d beSt wit d pResentation sLide..aLL my beSh..but in d end,i cant pResent d beSt..prefer tO be behind d scene than upfRont aLL..its my wOrk...!!..but aLL d cOmpliment gOes by to d beSh presenter..

its my mistake actuaLLy..i cant change my weakneSs to a gOod thing n let everyone elSe graB d oPportunity frOm me..very pity of me..!!

*peOple see what they want tO see..but theY wiLL nOt find d truE of it..woRld is fuLL of cruElneSs..!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

befOre gOing out


nO cLass tOday..n wiLL gOing out after this tO buy sOmething..nOthing much fOr tOday..

fOr d last 2,3days cant really sleep..if i sleep in nOon for 2,3 hours,i cant really sleep at nite,when i supposed to be sleep..n only gO to bed when d time strikes 4-5am,which im nOt excatlly faLL asleep..tidO2 ayam je..syndrOme ape ntah nie..nak kate insOmia,stiLL can sLeep..nie dah kire syndRome batman nie..kuikuikui

d beSt side of this syndROme,aLL my assignments dOne on time or may i say,befOre 'on time'..huhu~~

sunday,didnt dO anything my rOom d whOle time..stuDy fOr 2,3 hOurs,watching mOvie..n i realize,new syndRome appear...i didnt feel hungry at aLL!!!..loSs my apetite..same aS tOday,didnt eat at aLL..d only thing came inside my stOmach is air miLo n guLa2..i need gOOd fOOd..!!!!

mungkin kah,ALLAH telah menarik nikmat mkn n tiDo ku..??..owh nO..!!..ya ALLAH,simpang malaikat 44..ya ALLAH,kembalikan nikmat mkn n tidO ku..AMIN..~

*mungkin kah ku merindu seseOrg,wOnder whO..??

Sunday, January 18, 2009

3days activities..

hye eMerald..

jOg dOwn my everyday activities since i wake up in d mOrning tiLL sLeep at d nite/midnite is one of my assignment fOr dis sem as a a log bOok..

its been 3days dat i dOnt cOmpose..sOrry ye kak wahyuni..!!..hehe..been buSy wit benificial n alSo un-benefical activities..

my days since thursday until saturday started as early as 0630..wOke up in d mOrning;solat,mandi,breakfaSt n get reaDy to gO cLass..

haPpy2 in cLasses cOz i love my cLass diS sem..

in HE claSs,our daDdy taught us hOw to be confident wHen preSent any tOpic in fRont d cLass..supposedly my grOup is d 2nd group dats shOuld present dat day but daDdy gave aLL of uS time to get mOre ready after d 1st grOup seems like nOt exactly reaDy to give a gOod n cOnfident taLk in fRont cLass..naSeb bdn lah..tQ daDdy!!

on fRiday,we had our prOb n stat alsO industrial biOtech lecture fOr d 1st time in dis were nOt tOo bad nOr tOo gOod..nOt very excited in these cLasses maybe because we have to learn extra tOpic in 2 long hours tO catch 2twO weeks learning schedule dat have been skipped..fuhh!!dahsyat sungguh nak m'gejar 2topics in 2hOurs..fening pale..!

on saturdaY,i have jOined prOgram BIJAK was okaY..sedikit sebYk m'bantu m'bina semangat m'jaDi pelajar b'jaYa..yes i wiLL prOof it!!!

in d afternOon in dis 3days,i had my free time..n as usual, since i am sO caLLed university/college student, its very hard tO change dis only 1 habit which is tiDo ptg!!..xkesah lah 10minit ke 5 minit ke,i will take d time tO have my naP periOd..huhu~~..but if i have mOre time,selg xmasOk waktu aSar,i will nOt wake up..coz i beLieve waktu aSar xeLok nak tidO..sO amik lah peLuang utk tiDo waktu sbLm aSar sepuas2 nye..mcm mane ek nak tukar haBit nie ek..?

in eVening time,it was my 'wOrk hard' hOurs..cOmpleted my asSignment,studied..selit2 skit utk surfing internet..

befOre tiDo,which was almOst 3am every day, i will get ready my attire fOr neXt day..

sO wat dO u think my timing,gOod huh..??

Saturday, January 17, 2009

beLajar mengawaL perasaan

jan 17,1425

im learning tO contrOl my feeling every single daY..

rezeki yg ade adalah utk kt m'guna dgn sebaEk nye n b'syukur pd yg diberiNYA..bkn kerana egOis, kt m'noLak rezeki..yes i nOe sOme peopLe preFer tO be independent n nOt hOping frOm others...but stiLL if sOmeone offer u sOmething especiaLLy foOd,why nOt U just accept it with aLL ur heart..nOt puShing back watever being shared..rezeki kan xpatOt d'toLak..??..btoL,tgn yg m'beri lebey baEk dr tgn yg m'nerima..but wat d heck,kalu org tu dah seikhlas hati m'beri,xkan nak mati2 nak toLak..keSian hati org tu..kerna egOis manusia lupe bile waktu nye kt patOt m'nerima n biLe mase nye kt patOt m'beri..felt bad fOr dat kind of nOt suggesting U to be 'pisau cukur' or 'ketua batak' tO others,but pLease think wateva dat persOn been thrOugh juSt to heLp u WILLINGLY...eventhOugh they dOnt really hOpe U to tHink abOut dat..

sO because of this,im trying tO control myself nOt tO hurt anybOdy with my wOrds..hanya keSian utk mereka yg ikhlas m'beri n keSian utk si dia yg m'noLak rezeki yg lagak nye m'noLak sprt d'beri tahi...

minds ur wOrd,peOple!!

wrOte this,tO remind others n myseLf alSo..

*naseb baEk dpt m'gawal perasaan dr b'kata2 pedas pd yg egOis tu,n im sOrry kpd mereka yg x dpt ku bantu secara terus....hanya utk m'jaga hati semua..

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

start my day wit..

a questiOn; why i bareLy sLeep laSt niTe..??
felt like want tO swallow bottle of cough syrup to have sOme gOod sleep..hihi~~..cannot maa,its like self-destroying idea..

class start early tOday;8am
wOke up frOm bed abOut 705am..(fYi,bendera jepun ye..)
penuh gile shower..saket jiwe nak wat mcm mane,here we have tO share..mcm xbiase je..since fOrm 4,been hosteL'ize',dah biase dah..anyway,sharing is caRing,rite..??

after,bath..tOok 2,3slices of chOc cake (my fav) fOr breakfast..get ready to cLass..

class ended early..step tO pusat bahasa,to meet up daDDy (mR ghani),our HE lecturer fOr sOme discuSsion,but he wasnt in hiS rOom..wOnder where he is..??

neXt statiOn tO stuDent affairs & aLumni dept,to meEt my caunseLor..settle dOwn sOme things..tQ mdm caunseLor aKa kak wahyuni fOr ur time..

after that,get gOing tO bPa,pay fee fOr dis sem..aBes wang kU..!...hehe..thankS mama n aBah..

take sOme fOod fOr lunCh..after that,baCk tO bed..cant stand d dizzyneSs cOz laCk of sLeep..

time gOes by very faSt uneXpectedly..get up frOm bed abOut 5..huhu~~..pLanned to wake up arOund 1ocLock tO get readY for cOmpulsOry faculty meeting at astaka..sOrry cant make it..

bath,dOing laundRy..soLat asar (bendera jepun dah turun dah..hihi~~)..filled up time by m'nGaji whiLe waiting fOr maghrib..then sOlat maghrib..had dinner after that..

get ready tO go fOr RAKSI,but in d end,d cLass canceled fOr this week..miSsed 1meeting..sOrry kak wahyuni..! =P

stuDy tRanspOrt tiLL had tO hand shacking cOz my perOt is empty..!!have tO find sOme fOOd..but b4 dat,write dis one 1st,befOre d date tuRn to 15..

sO,i have tO go nOw..very laPo..!!

dats aLL fOr tOday..tiLL meet u neXt time,wahai my baBy eMerald..


saLam nYte ...daa

try reaD thiS,ambiL sebagai pedOman..

Shocking cold wave drops temps to 40 below zero

By AMY FORLITI, Associated Press Writer

MINNEAPOLIS – Temperatures crashed to Arctic levels Tuesday as a severe cold wave rolled across the upper Midwest on the heels of yet another snowstorm, closing schools and making most people think twice before going outside. Early Wednesday, the cold front swept into New York, sending temperatures falling from the 30s a day before to single digits or below zero. It hit 8 below in Massena, on the St. Lawrence River in northern New York, with the wind chill making it feel like minus 25 degrees.

In Michigan, temperatures Wednesday morning ranged from minus 17 at Ironwood in the western Upper Peninsula to 10 degrees in the southwestern Lower Peninsula and 12 on Beaver Island. Ironwood earlier recorded a temperature of minus 23.

Thermometers read single digits early in the day as far south as Kansas and Missouri, where some areas warmed only into the teens by midday.

The ice and snow that glazed pavement was blamed for numerous traffic accidents from Minnesota to Indiana, where police said a truck overturned and spilled 43,000 pounds of cheese, closing a busy highway ramp during the night in the Gary area.

read mOre on;

this is only a small 'gift' dat ALLAH give them n shOwed to uS..pLease understand why..!?

ingat lah manusia,sbLm segala nye t'lamBat..sama2 lah kita m'ingati sesama kita

Thursday, January 8, 2009

onCe a while being cOnfuse..

gOod day eMerald..

life is hard huh..?
sOmetimes it is..

memiliki hati,perasaan,kita sebagai manusia kdg2 t'sentuh dgn keadaan sekeliling..

a bit cOnfuse abOut myself lately..

step by step to achieve sOmething..but because of 1 simple thing,i miss 1 step,make myself unstable to stand..

hOpefully this feeling will walk away for gOod..

i have a lot to give,but just fOr sOmeone that deserve it..

anOther 3mOnths tO go,gOod luck fOr myself..sayOnara mr "i have a lOt tO give but im nOt ready tO give"..

walk away..walk prOud..walk with smiLe..

Monday, January 5, 2009

new year,new resolution,new face,new hOpe

everything new,huh..?..hee..~~

salam,hye 1430H n 2009M.
bye,sayonara 1429H n 2008M.

too many hOpes for dis new year..cOz tOo many things happened that i dOnt plan to happen last year..
i became mOre n mOre serious in anything that i deal with..being mature fOr sOme reason..

toDay,1st class in sem 4 08/09..its quite nice n here aka my meNara gaDing,as a stuDent,i hOpe i can be mOre educated,make mOre frens,make new memories n d mOst impOrtant showed to my family i can be a better persOn n i can dO it..!!

as a bLogger, i hope i can spent tiMe to emBrace my thOught n feeLing in eMerald,my baBy bLog..

as a 22 years oLd gurL,i want to make use of this year in this aGe,celebrate my year n my aGe,dO a lot of activities n overcome new adventure..why have tO wait,huh..?its nOw or neVer.!!..yey!!

as a hambaNYA,i want to get extra pahaLa fOr diS year..dO a lot of keBajikan,ibadat..bimbing lah hambaMU ini ya ALLAH..

as a daughter,mama n aBah,i will make sure u guys will be haPPy wit my achivement..n insyaALLAH,i dOnt want to find any problem wit u guys anymOre..sOrry fOr everything..

as a fren, i will always try to find sOme time to cOntact u guys pRay always fOr u guys even i am busY..

as a concLusion,i want d beSt for myself as a persOn,hambaNYA,daughter,family member,fren,student..
