Monday, March 2, 2009

1st mOvie in march

its d 3rd mOvie which i watched wit him..[as if,im watching aLone cOz he was sleeping baCk then]
beSh..street fighter:d legend of chun-li..
mule2 ingat xbeSh,cOz lawan2..its nOt my type of moVie i like tO watch..this time is hiS chOice tO pick d mOvie..
but after all,its a great fOr me lah..
kristin kreuk yg nampak mcm a nice,sOpan gurl,leh b'lakOn as a tOugh!!..smaRt babe!! it,nOw love her[never live her acting in smaLLviLLe]
pi lah will make u cant wait fOr d other series,maybe neXt abOut rYu..cant wait it..!

Her strength. Her fury. Her vengeance. Will become legend.

Adapted from the famous series of fighting video games by Capcom, "Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li" focuses its story on the undercover Interpol agent, female fighter Chun-Li as she falls in the quest of finding justice after she found out that her father is murdered. The movie was shoot in numerous locations include Bangkok, Thailand, Hong Kong and Vancouver

*nak skills berlawan mcm dia..!!hehe