Thursday, August 30, 2012


i got short and long term memory lost
when i talk, sometimes i stuttering..because i lost a word

i lost lots of my vocab either in malay or english
when i explaining something to someone, i keep stopping because i need to think the full sentence

very2 critical, when i came to ask something to someone, 
i lost
i don't remember what actually the question that i want to ask

i am not sure dream is good or bad 
cause i keep dreaming something unreasonable

is it showed that my brain is lost something??

so i to have a good brain
because i'm still YOUNG!!

tips to have good brains ~ hopefully its help me and you
Exercise & get your body moving 
Don't stressed out
Get a good night’s sleep and take naps
If there’s something you want to remember, writing it down can help
Listen to music 
Eating foods that contain a healthy mix of fats (FISH) is vital for long-term memory
Visualize information
 Teach someone
Do crossword puzzles, read, or play cards
Eat breakfast and make sure it includes an egg 

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