Sunday, February 28, 2010

not a gurl anymOre


it was a start
have to accept all d thos crap
not a gurl anymOre..
more to a wOman
but not yet a wOman (kunun lagu bRitney,hihi)

time by time, we will have to face some moments dat we really dOnt want to face it
it just so f***ing hard to face it (bkn m'carut,tp m'nunjuk kan betapa susah ea..)
really its very very very hard..!
but then, u have to
because u r not a child anymOre
u r not a little gurl dat mOmmy n daddy make all the decision anymOre

children is nice little thing dat not ruin by anything yet
adult is bad large version of child dat ruined n unexplained
u want to be an adult, but u think like a child, but u r nOt a child anymOre!

so lets move on
lets think reasonable

fikiran d sini,tp hati ku dah ke mana?

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